LSD Addiction
LSD, also known as acid, is one of the most powerful mind-altering substances known to the drug culture, including big pharmaceutical.
In fact, depending upon who you speak with, a long-ago rumor of lore about acid was that its actual history comes from a union between big pharma and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to create a mind-altering drug for espionage purposes.
Whether that’s true or not, there’s no arguing that a drug like LSD is nothing to take lightly, no matter who had their hands in its creation.
There is no hiding the fact the drug is a potent, mood-changing chemical manufactured from lysergic acid.
Lysergic acid is found in the ergot fungus that grows on rye and other grains.
From this fungus, LSD is then produced in crystal form within illegal laboratories, mainly based in the United States.
The crystals, which are odorless, colorless and have a slightly bitter taste, are then converted to a liquid for distribution.
A reputable rehabilitation center as well as a strong support group can be of great benefit during your recovery from acid/LSD.
Not only is the rehab experience available to help end your acid use, it will make you aware of trigger scenarios that can relapse you back to your prior use.
Once you know your trigger scenarios, you’ll be better equipped to lean on your support group to help keep you on the path to recovery.
Quitting acid won’t be easy. But with a good amount of work, dedication and an overriding desire to stop using acid, a drug-free life is entirely possible.
It’s not too late to take the first step toward a new life.
Most alcohol and drug treatment facilities fall under two categories: inpatient and outpatient.
The aggressive and powerful mind-altering aspects of LSD make this a drug which is not easy to overcome without clinical supervision. The withdrawal symptoms are far too intense and have the potential to endanger the addict’s life.
It is recommended that a person seeking to overcome their ordeal with LSD, detox and rehab in a qualified recovery center where they can get the attention they need should their recovery become difficult.
Visiting a loved one during inpatient recovery can be helpful for the person receiving treatment. Visiting loved ones and friends who are in rehab reassures the patient that there are people out in the world who still care about them.
Of course, the rehabilitation center will have restrictions as to when loved ones and friends can visit. More likely than not, visitations will not be allowed in the very initial stages of one’s recovery, such as during acid/LSD detox because this is such a critical step toward a person’s rehabilitation.
Make careful note of how your loved one is doing in rehabilitation. If they are positive and upbeat, now might be a good time to stop by. Whereas, if the person in treatment is struggling with the recovery process, it may be best to wait.
Always check with the healthcare professional helping your loved one through their acid/LSD recovery before showing up for a visit.
The strength of LSD cannot be overlooked, particularly as a person attempts to rehab from the drug. Between visual distortions and sensory perceptions, coming off the drug may simply be too difficult for someone to do alone.
Trust and look for encouragement in a qualified rehab center to get the most comprehensive, safe and long-lasting rehabilitation available.
Addiction can destroy your mental and emotional well-being, but it can also cause physical damage to your body, including fluctuations in weight, illness, and increased likelihood of injury.
Along with fighting addiction, rehabilitation can include getting back into good physical health. This mean participating in low-impact, physical activities like yoga or stretching.
Our recovery programs address the mental well-being of the patient along with the physical detox process.
Part of our treatment involves learning how to maintain sobriety as life’s stressful situations, like birthdays and holidays come at you. We help you understand which triggers cause you to seek acid, so you can avoid them. This deep dive includes analyzing when you first started using and your usage patterns to find the root cause of your substance dependence.
With as common as acid addiction has become in our society, we know how to tailor a recovery plan for all types of individuals.
Every person deals with addiction differently, therefore, treatment programs will vary in length to accommodate the needs of the individual.
With acid, treatment can last from a matter of a few days to a month or more, depending upon the severity of the abuse.
Also keep in mind that acid/LSD treatment doesn’t just involve detox and a week or two of recovery.
To increase the likelihood of continued sobriety, your treatment will also involve extended counseling sessions.
In addition to helping you quit acid, your treatment will help give you the emotional, mental, and physical strength to stay sober in the face of temptation.
LSD goes by many names, though its most common moniker is “acid.”
LSD is sold on the street in small tablets called microdots. It is also provided in capsule or gelatin squares which go by the name “window panes.”
Acid is sometimes added to absorbent paper, then divided into small squares decorated with designs or cartoon characters. This form of LSD is commonly referred to as loony toons.
Occasionally acid can be purchased in liquid form.
Other street names for acid include:
- Blotter
- Boomers
- California Sunshine
- Cid
- Doses
- Dots
- Golden Dragon
- Heavenly Blue
- Hippie
- Lucy in the sky with diamonds
- Microdot
- Pane
- Purple Heart
- Superman
- Tab
- Yellow sunshine
- Zen
Those who are veterans of LSD usage call the experience of being on the drug a “trip.”
Trips last up to twelve hours. During this period, a person’s senses are increased to an uncommon level; colors are brighter, routine situations are much more intense, and the perception of time is distorted, which can make the trip seem much longer.
Throughout the duration of a trip, one’s mood could be joyful and ecstatic. However, much of this depends upon those who are around the person on acid.
If the mood is somber or even morbid, the LSD trip may devolve into a “bad trip,” in which negative experiences take on a similar intensity as positive experiences.
Much of the acid experience involves visual disorders, sensory perceptions and hallucinations.
Depending upon the user and their frame of mind, these experiences with LSD can be pleasurable, described as “mind opening,” or overtly harrowing.
Visual distortions can appear in the form of an overlay or outline of geometric or swirling patterns.
At other times, the distortions have been described as a change in the perceived size or shape of objects, while others on acid trips claim static objects such as walls, doors and ceilings appear to move or even breathe.
Synesthesia can also occur while a person is on LSD. It is a situation when sensory perceptions cross channels in the brain. In short, what a person would usually smell, such as perfume, they might instead believe they hear. Or, in another instance, things that are usually only seen can now be tasted.
Hallucinations can span the gamut of our five senses, and at times can be quite confusing.
These hallucinations can include:
- Auditory hallucinations, which occurs when a person believes they hear things that aren’t there.
- Tactile hallucinations, which give the sensation of something being present when in reality, it is not.
- Olfactory hallucinations, which translates into smelling things that are not there.
- Gustatory hallucinations or tasting things that are not there.
Of all the distortions above, visual distortions are by far the most commonly reported type of sensory distortion from LSD.
LSD doesn’t cause uncontrollable drug-craving behavior, so for that matter, the drug is not considered addicting.
What LSD can do, however, is build up tolerances in its users.
Tolerance with any drug means an experienced user needs more of it to produce the same or a better high then the last time they used the drug.
This in its own way can be a type of psychological addiction where a person believes they need more of the drug to make it worthwhile.
Physiological tolerance, however, is not part of the downsides of acid.
The fact is, LSD trips are sort of a free-for-all. Veteran users of the drug will attest that no one quite knows what’s in store for them with each trip they take.
This can be highly enjoyable when the mood of the user and those around them is buoyant or contented, but extremely unsettling when moods are low, and thoughts take a somber or even macabre turn.
Of course this doesn’t bode well for drug users with stability issues. Quite easily and suddenly, a good trip for others can turn into a bad trip for these individuals.
We may joke about LSD as a tripper’s drug, but like any drug, particularly an illicit drug, there are concerns. With LSD much of that concern revolves around the person using acid. Will they have a good or bad trip? How composed are they mentally and physically? Are they for the most part happy, or are they fundamentally down about something in their life?
Whatever it is, acid can exacerbate a person’s mood. At that point, whether good or bad, a user nonetheless falls victim to their own trip.
Our acid rehabilitation process holds a very high standard when it comes to Patient Health Information (PHI).
Fighting through the struggle of acid recovery will be difficult enough, so our focus on privacy should help keep your mind at ease.
You can take comfort in knowing your PHI is safe, so you can concentrate on your recovery.
Our acid rehabilitation centers protect payment information with the same intensity as we do our Patient Health Information.
Your credit cards and insurance records will not be held on file, so there will be no paper trail to worry about.
Generally, we bill monthly. If your stay with us is longer, we discreetly bill on a bi-weekly basis.
In some cases, it can benefit a person to leave their immediate surroundings to seek rehab. Shedding yourself of what’s familiar to you can make it more likely that you’ll have a successful recovery from acid. This is true because the surroundings you are most familiar with are also the most likely to trigger a relapse.
Going away for acid treatment rids you of distractions and allows you to fully focus on your rehab. It can also introduce you to new interests, philosophies, sights, thoughts and most importantly, people.
With our rehabilitation facilities located throughout the country, you are bound to find a recovery center that will appeal to you as well as your efforts toward sobriety.
Without a group of people to function as a support structure, the acid rehabilitation process will be much more difficult. These relationships are usually made while one is in rehab. Patients are encouraged to maintain these relationships after leaving the recovery center.
Post-rehabilitation support is also advantageous when a rehabilitation center is inaccessible to someone in need.
The knowledge that you are not alone in living a sober life away from acid will go a long way to keep you on the path of sobriety.
If you or a loved one have an acid addiction, contact BLVD Treatment Centers. At BLVD Treatment Centers we custom tailor our recovery programs within the safe and nurturing confines of our rehab treatment centers. Located throughout California, in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and in Portland, OR, our mission is to assess the severity of your addiction to help you achieve true recovery within 30 days.