In 1977 benzodiazepines were the most prescribed medicine in the world. And to this day, the drug still enjoys popularity because of its anti-anxiety, sleep-inducing and muscle relaxing properties.
Benzodiazepines such as Valium and Xanax are associated with stressful environments or circumstances. They help a person get through apprehension, nervousness and uncertainty.
Problem is, though, in any given situation where there is apprehension, nervousness and uncertainty, those situations can easily outlast the duration in which it’s safe to use benzo-based drugs.
A reputable rehabilitation center as well as a strong support group can be of great benefit during your recovery from benzodiazepine.
Along with helping you quit, the full rehab experience will help you identify the triggers that could lead you to relapse. To help prevent this, you will be encouraged to participate in a strong support group to shore up your new found sobriety, and keep you on the path to a clean and sober life.
Yes, using benzos is a tough habit to give up. But, with dedication and hard work, you can achieve your goal of ditching the benzodiazepine and start enjoying a drug-free lifestyle.
All you have to do is take that first step.
Most alcohol and drug treatment facilities fall under two categories: inpatient and outpatient.
Inpatient rehab occurs when a patient’s addiction is too severe for them to detox and rehab by themselves. This type of care is reserved for long-term sufferers of acute addiction who need around-the-clock monitoring and support by qualified healthcare professionals.
Visiting a loved one during inpatient recovery can be helpful for the person receiving treatment. When you visit someone in rehab, you let them know they are not alone and you still care about them.
That said, there will be times in the rehab process when visitation will be restricted. During the initial benzodiazepine detox, you likely won’t be allowed to visit.
Make careful note of how your loved one is doing in rehabilitation. If they are positive and upbeat, now might be a good time to stop by. Whereas, if the person in treatment is struggling with the recovery process, it may be best to wait.
As always, check first with your loved one’s assigned counselor to make certain a visit will help, not hinder their progression to sobriety from benzodiazepine.
Outpatient care works well for patients who don’t need constant monitoring as part of their detox process.
While outpatient care isn’t as prestigious among those in the rehabilitation industry, it can be a great option for patients who aren’t likely to cause harm to themselves during detox.
Part of what makes outpatient care a good option is that it’s often more affordable.
Benzodiazepines today are as dangerous as ever. Much of the danger associated with benzodiazepines come from their wide availability. That is to say benzodiazepines, are very accessible and can be a leading factor in why it remains one of the most widely abused substances available for consumption.
The increased popularity of benzodiazepine addiction made creating a custom rehab process for it simpler.
We look deep into the history of your benzo use to find the root cause, then, through group and individual counseling, we help you learn how to confront that root cause.
We’ll also help you identify which aspects of your life could trigger a relapse.
We even help you figure out the common circumstances that cause people to run back to benzodiazepine. Those circumstances are often events that involve people gathering together like birthdays and holidays. We help you find ways to navigate these situations without letting your sobriety slip.
Along with counseling to help with your mental and emotional wellbeing, our rehabilitation process will also address your physical health. We’ll help you start a low-impact exercise program, which includes activities like stretching and yoga.
Remember, benzodiazepine rehabilitation is not just about getting a person off their substance of choice, but also about getting them back into physical shape. For the fact is, any addiction can ravish much more than your mental and emotional state.
The biggest ways addiction effects a person physically are through injuries, illness, or drastic weight fluctuations.
Just in the same way that any drug addiction does, benzo addictions can sneak up on a person.
The propensity of this happening is more likely when a benzodiazepine such as Xanax or Valium is prescribed by a doctor: a person might think that just because it was medically introduced to them after a diagnosis, the drug is fine to take regardless of how long their prescription is.
The fact is, it takes a very short amount of time before a person is hooked on their prescribed type of benzo. This is why the original engineers of the drug intended it to be used for only a short amount of time.
Let’s be honest: just in the same way that not all addictions are the same, not all recoveries from those addictions are the same.
Much of recovery depends upon the person, how long they’ve been addicted, and of course, what they are addicted to.
This is why it is important to have a custom-made program for each person and their recovery needs.
This is especially true for benzodiazepine addiction simply from the fact that the drug can have varying effects on nearly everyone who abuses it.
As well, this is another reason why detox and recovery from benzodiazepine addiction has to be taken very seriously and professionally.
They are a psychoactive drug with sedative properties that induce sleep, neutralize anxieties and convulsions, as well as relax muscles.
These properties make benzodiazepines useful for treated anxiety, insomnia agitation, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and as a premedication for medical or dental procedures.
Benzodiazepines are categorized as either short-, intermediate-, or long-acting. Short and intermediate-acting benzodiazepines are preferred for the treatment of insomnia; longer-acting benzodiazepines are recommended for the treatment of anxiety.
If you’ve been using benzodiazepines for a long period of time, while also increasing your dosage of the drug, you may have an addiction problem with the drug.
At this point, it’s best to address your problem early before it develops into something more life threatening than it already is.
When anyone who has been abusing benzodiazepines for a prolonged period of time and suddenly stops taking them, withdrawal symptoms will quickly set in. The symptoms of withdrawal may come about in as short a time as hours after benzo use has stopped.
Withdrawals may continue for up to a month or in some cases longer. Some of the most common symptoms include:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Shaking
- Increased sweating
- Fast heartbeat
- Trouble falling or staying asleep
- Anxiety or nervousness
- Agitation
- Restlessness
- Psychosis
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Seizures
- Suicidal thoughts and behaviors
Any of these effects from benzo detox can cause serious and prolonged damage to a person, and possibly even death.
Be certain to detox and recovery within the confines of an accredited rehabilitation center with a trained staff. They can help mitigate the above effects as well as safeguard you against long-term damages from those effects.
Every person deals with addiction differently, therefor, treatment programs will vary in length to accommodate the needs of the individual.
Depending on the degree of your benzodiazepine use, treatment could last anywhere from a few days, to months, or possibly longer.
Remember, treatment for benzodiazepine abuse is more involved than just detox. Extended counseling is needed to fortify one’s sobriety as well as continual maintenance.
It isn’t just about not using, it’s also about building up your physical, mental and emotional tolerance to the point that when you leave, a relapse has less likelihood of occurring.
We take pride in keeping your Patient Health Information (PHI) safe and secure.
Between the stress of withdrawal symptoms and confronting deep seeded issues in counseling, you don’t need the added anxiety of worrying about the security of your confidential information.
We understand the need for that peace of mind.
Payments are handled through a monthly billing cycle. For some long-term patients the billing cycle will be bi-weekly.
We take the same care to keep your financial information private as we do to keep your Patient Health Information private. We don’t save your credit card information or any other financial records.
We have treatment facilities all over the country, so you’re sure to find one that’s convenient for your needs. Convenience doesn’t always mean close to home.
Leaving town for treatment can often give you a clean slate that can be helpful in the recovery process. It can help you strip away the layers of familiarity to find a new way to function.
In many cases, removing yourself from everything that’s familiar can set you up for success in your new sober life.
Sobriety is a new way of life. It takes ongoing effort. That effort is much easier to muster when you know you’re not alone. To this end, continued support for those leaving a rehabilitation facility is highly recommended.
The relationships you develop while in recovery can be part of that support network.
This social aspect of the rehab process can’t be overstated. Loneliness is a big contributing factor for why people develop substance use disorders in the first place and can also contribute to relapse. This is why building relationships can be the crucial piece of the recovery process you get in a treatment center as opposed to quitting on your own.
If you or a loved one have an addiction to alcohol, contact BLVD Treatment Centers. At BLVD Treatment Centers we custom tailor our recovery programs within the safe and nurturing confines of our rehab treatment centers. Located throughout California, in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and in Portland, OR, our mission is to assess the severity of your addiction to help you achieve true recovery within 30 days.