The Side Effects And Dangers Of Snorting Cocaine

What is Cocaine? and Important Cocaine Facts
May 13, 2019
How long does cocaine stay in your urine? | BLVD Treatment Centers
May 13, 2019

Cocaine is a drug that hardly needs any formal introduction when talking about it because of the notorious reputation that it has garnered over the years. Classified as a stimulant, cocaine is not only extremely addictive but it also provides its users with increased levels of energy, as well as a heightened sense of euphoria. Unlike a lot of other addictive substances that are often abused, cocaine produces a high that is relatively shorter in comparison. However, snorting cocaine has been shown to produce a high that can last much longer than other delivery methods – sometimes three times as long as injecting the drug.

It is still worth noting that not only do all delivery methods of cocaine share some of the same side effects and risks, they also all have specific dangers that are associated with each of them. The three most common delivery methods are: smoking the cocaine (this is done when it is in the form of crack); injecting (also called shooting) the cocaine into the user’s bloodstream; and last but not least, inhaling (also referred to as snorting) the cocaine through the user’s nostrils.

Since cocaine is an addictive substance that produces such a short lived but addictive high, it is a drug that often sees a lot of binge usage. Excessive or prolonged cocaine usage has an extremely high risk of producing cardiovascular problems because it causes blood vessels to constrict and the heart rat to dramatically increase. Additionally, snorting cocaine can cause issues that range from difficulty swallowing and nosebleeds to even a loss of the user’s sense of smell.

It doesn’t matter if you’re wondering how long does crack stay in your system or if snorting cocaine is safer than smoking it; none of that matters. What matters is remembering that the drug is dangerous to your health, no matter how you use it.

Short Term Effects Of Using Cocaine

When it is used even for the first time, cocaine has the ability to produce a wide range of short term side effects that range from mildly dangerous to potentially life threatening. A few of the common short term side effects of cocaine usage include:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches and seizures
  • Paranoia and panic attacks
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Aggressive and erratic behavior
  • Narrowed blood vessels
  • Muscle twitches and tremors
  • Enlarged pupils
  • Irritability, anxiety, and restlessness
  • Increased body temperature
  • Heart attack and abnormal heart rhythm
  • Nausea and abdominal pain
  • Strokes and coma
  • Sudden death

Long Term Effects Of Using Cocaine

While the short term effects of cocaine usage should be enough to scare anyone away from the drug, the long term effects of using the drug are just as bad. Not only does cocaine usage affect the user’s body negatively in the long run, the drug also has debilitating effects on the user’s mental health over time as well.

One such mental health issue that long term usage of the drug almost always creates is actually the difficulty (or full blown inability) to feel pleasure without using the drug. Cocaine use forces your body to produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter that interacts with the pleasure centers of the brain.

The pleasure centers of your brain suffer dramatic changes from prolonged cocaine usage, becoming essentially desensitized to normal levels of dopamine. As a result, without the drug, long terms users are left having a hard time feeling pleasure.

Other commonly experienced long term effects of cocaine usage include:

  • Excessive weight loss
  • Malnourishment
  • Dehydration
  • Decreased appetite
  • Lack of muscle control
  • Irritability
  • Extreme sleep depravation
  • Paranoia
  • Regularly occurring panic attacks
  • Psychosis
  • Anxiety

Snorting vs Smoking Cocaine

How cocaine is administered also produces different negative health effects on the user’s body and many addicts will often debate the pros and cons of snorting vs smoking cocaine.

Injecting cocaine has the potential ability to lead to allergic reactions, puncture scars, infections, and even the contraction of Hepatitis C, HIV, and other dangerous diseases.

Snorting cocaine can damage the nose, the nasal cavity, and even the throat. Many users who snort cocaine suffer from; bloody noses, nasal irritation, erosion of nasal tissue, and inflamed respiratory tract.

The Withdrawal Symptoms Of Cocaine Usage

Many people who use cocaine actually begin to realize the negative effects that it has on their physical and mental health over time. However, sadly their efforts to try and quit using the drug on their own backfires due to the intense withdrawal symptoms that cocaine usage produces. This cause them to relapse and often leads to the drug having an even deeper hold on them as a result.

Some of the common withdrawal symptoms of cocaine usage include

  • Cocaine cravings, increased appetite
  • Fatigue, increased sleep
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Anxiety and concentration problems
  • Chills
  • Depression, decreased ability to feel pleasure, suicidal thoughts
  • Involuntary motor movements
  • Slowed psychomotor skills

It is advised that anyone who is trying to quit using cocaine should not try to do so on their own, instead seek out the help of a medical professional.

Don’t Let Cocaine Use Rule Your Life

If you or a loved one is suffering from a cocaine addiction – it doesn’t matter if it’s snorting cocaine or smoking it – seek out the help of a professional before trying to quit on your own. Don’t wait any longer, give us a call at (888) 534-4699 Blvd Treatment Centers and let us help you kick your addiction to the curb today.


Effects of using Cocaine.

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