Alcohol and drug intervention can be very complicated, particularly when a person’s life is in the balance.
This is true because each case of dependency is unique, especially as their dependency can arrive from a variety of places.
Another variable is that more often than not, a person is in denial about their addiction.They
cling to the belief that they can overcome the problem on their own.
The issue with this is the longer it takes a friend or loved one to seek substance abuse help, or have it sought out for them, the more dangerous and unpredictable their lives can become.
From an overdose to any other accidental death, all this can be avoided with a successful intervention by a professional caregiver.
In the meantime, families struggle with the household’s overall quality of life, as well as other issues that can come along with addiction, such as financial implications, social status, or being known as the address where the drug addict lives.
In short, drug addiction can stress everyone out, not just the addict. Before that stress goes on too long, an alcohol and/or drug intervention program should be considered.
It’s a common mistake – that can become a deadly mistake – to wait until a person has hit rock bottom before intervening in their potential alcohol and/or drug addiction. Nothing is further from the truth in this regard.
As the addict continues on their path of abuse in which they spiral farther into depression and diminishing self-esteem, it does no one any good to wait until they reach rock bottom. As equally unrealistic is the thought/belief/hope from you and others that your loved one will miraculously emerge from their addiction.
The sooner a problem is detected the sooner an interventionist can be contacted to help mitigate a loved one’s addiction. Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to addiction or dependency. Until it is acted upon, a drug habit will only worsen.
Professional interventionists can often accomplish what families and loved ones cannot.
In a professional intervention you and your loved one are able to express concerns in a nonthreatening, nonjudgmental atmosphere. Doing this breaks down barriers of denial and helps your addicted loved one recognize the effects their alcohol or drug problems.
Another intervention goal is to bring awareness to the addict.
For instance, in many cases addicts can be unaware or reluctant to realize the effects their addiction has on those around them. At the same time, they will learn that addiction is not an isolated issue but a disease that not only affects them, but their entire family.
Even under the best conditions, intervention can be an emotionally trying experience. You should also know to not expect huge results right after intervention starts.
Intervention is a gradual process. The sessions are conducted kindly and respectfully. All sides are heard regarding the addict (including the addict’s side) as to what makes him or her imbibe in their substance of choice.
What can be determined during and after an intervention is if additional treatment might be beneficial to the addict, or can if they exist drug-free from this moment forward.
Prior to the intervention, counselors will meet with the loved ones of the affected individual and work together to design an optimal approach. The goal is to make the afflicted recognize their situation and accept treatment. This is where the professional can add the greatest value.
Another advantage to BLVD’s intervention program is the whole process is facilitated and supervised by an interventionist who specializes in alcohol and drug counseling.
Lastly, an intervention is an open forum to everyone who participates. This includes family, friends and workmates, among anyone else who is close to the addicted person.
Despite what the addict may believe, they can be the least qualified person in their family to determine what diagnosis or treatment is necessary. In fact, the addict’s friends and family members may also be as equally unqualified.
This is the value of intervention. It is a non-confrontational discussion about an addict and why they have become an addict.
Of course, it’s a two-way street. Until the addict is willing to accept responsibility for their dependency, their condition will continue to worsen. They must accept the fact that they have a problem much larger than they are.
It is here that BLVD’s intervention program can make a life-long difference in the addict’s life as well as your own life.