Kicking a habit isn’t easy. With addiction, the process of detoxing then rehabbing can be long and arduous, not to mention painfully life-changing.
Sobriety forces you to leave behind a life you may have once enjoyed. Sobriety, also, can come to some people more easily than others.
It’s because of this that a person can begin to resent theirs and others’ recovery.
This resentment can come from a variety of sources. But be that as it may, the true danger of resentment and recovery is that it can lead to a relapse of a person’s pre-recovery behavior.
Keep reading to find out how resentment can put your sobriety at risk.
First, sobriety is not a competition. That isn’t to say though that there are those who treat their recovery as if it is a race.
Well, it’s not. And that’s because substance abuse almost never occurs on even ground. If it did, all of us would be addicted to the same drug, abuse the same amount during the same time span, and consequently require the same type of treatment.
On the contrary, each of our addictions are different, and in most cases, require specialized care to coincide with our own afflictions.
This isn’t to say that rehabs don’t have competitive individuals getting treatments, or trying to speak the loudest and longest during group sessions. Sadly, of course, they may be missing the point of what recovery isn’t, which is a contest or rivalry.
What’s doubly sad for these individuals is that if rehab is a competition, there’s a strong chance they won’t win the contest. They may not be the strongest in detox and rehab, or recover the fastest.
For the competitive types, not being the strongest or the fastest in recovery could lead to a downward spiral which has the potential of relapse.
The bottom line is this: when in rehab, the only competition you have is yourself. You should never compare your addiction to anyone else’s, nor believe that the process of going from addict to drug free is a timed event as to who’s out first through the treatment center’s door.
Maintain these thoughts of competition, then resentment if you don’t recover ahead of the pack, and you will only set yourself up for disappointment, potential regret, and most importantly, a substandard rehab that might lead to relapse.
This form of rehab resentment directs itself to reminiscing about the times when a person used to drink and take drugs.
Addiction treatment teaches us that looking back positively to the days when we used to abuse alcohol and drugs is a sure sign that our recovery process may not be progressing as it should. An addict needs to focus on the life in front of themselves, while also refuting their past behavior, not celebrating or remembering it fondly.
Resentfulness toward your rehab can also occur when you hear of other people going out and having a good time. You might wonder why you can’t do the same until you remember that you are still an addict.
As you move forward with your sobriety, remember that it is more important to consider your sober health and well-being, than having a few casual drinks, which could lead you into relapse.
Now that you are sober, you may find yourself confronted by other resentments. These can involve work, your relationship, even materialistic items like cars, jewelry and clothing.
What’s worse, of course, is these resentments can just as easily reverse the progress you made as an ex-addict.
This can demonstrate that alcohol and drug addiction are not just physical ailments, they’re mental ailments as well. Recovery means you should take new approaches to your problems and misgivings. You can’t drink, smoke, snort or inject your way out of them as you might have done before.
You instead need to work past negative emotions such as resentment; especially those emotions that used to trigger you toward the substances you once abused.
In short, refuse that old you and concentrate on empowering the new substance-free you.
Sobriety is great. It’s a clean and ultimately life-saving undertaking, that when conducted correctly, can bring you much more joy than a night on the town, and the next day, a feeling of sickness.
After all that hard work, resentment and the potential for relapse due to resentment, is hardly worth it.
If you feel alcohol and/or drugs is causing a block between yourself and your loved ones, contact BLVD Treatment Centers. At BLVD Treatment Centers, we custom tailor our recovery programs within the safe and nurturing confines of our rehab treatment centers. We specialize in programs that include alcohol and drug detox and recovery, intensive outpatient rehabilitation, and specialty curriculums for members of the LGBTQ+ society. Located throughout California, in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and in Portland, OR, our mission is to assess the severity of your addiction to help you achieve true recovery within 30 days. Call us now at 1-866.582.9844.
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