Without a doubt, cocaine is a hard drug to kick. Cocaine is a drug that creates feelings of euphoria in the user that while short-lived, still causes the user to come back for more.
So, in a sense, when a drug is that influential to a user, the user is going to have a much more difficult challenge on their hands to get over the addictive properties of the drug, making cocaine withdrawal symptoms some of the worse and yet obvious indicators that a loved one or friend is going through a bout of drug addiction.
Even so, cocaine can be beat. In reputable rehabilitation centers, the drug is booted from someone’s life on a continuous basis. But to start that process, one has to be vigilant about their recovery. They need to be all signed up and serious in their search for help and recovery.
It also doesn’t hurt for you as well as the addicted loved one to know the symptoms of the drug, especially as withdrawals occur.
Short-term cocaine withdrawal symptoms can immediately occur once an addict stops using cocaine. These cocaine withdrawal symptoms are almost immediate, particularly as the cocaine high itself is so short-lived.
In fact, strong cocaine withdrawal symptoms can crop up as soon as a user finishes snorting a line or injecting the drug.
And because of the strong sense of euphoria cocaine gives a user, the possibility of addiction after that user first tries the drug is very high.
Other short-term cocaine withdrawal symptoms can include:
For the long-term cocaine user, cocaine withdrawal symptoms can entail paranoia, mild depression and in some cases, an insatiable appetite.
Aside from the paranoia, which does tend to fade with time as will the depression, which is directly related to the cocaine habit, the increase in appetite proves that at least physically the drug is leaving the user’s system.
Unfortunately, depression and other mood disorders fall under psychological and emotional attachment to cocaine. So, even after a user achieves a successful physical recovery from cocaine, the withdrawal symptoms inside the user’s psyche and heart can be a bit longer lasting.
The one advantage the addict has as they attempt to withdraw from cocaine is the drug’s relatively short withdrawal time, which usually is a few days.
Of course, all detox/withdrawal processes should be conducted in a certified rehabilitation center with a clinical staff. There, the user will be given medication to stave off the negative effects of no longer using cocaine.
Understandably this is the best and safest manner for a user to first detox from cocaine, then seek recovery afterward.
If you feel you or a loved one has an issue with cocaine, contact BLVD Treatment Centers. At BLVD Treatment Centers we custom tailor our recovery programs within the safe and nurturing confines of our rehab treatment centers. Located throughout California, in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and in Portland, OR, our mission is to assess the severity of your addiction to help you achieve true recovery within 30 days. Call us now at 1-866.582.9844.